Goofy Bird Automata Kit by Cecilia Schiller
Goofy Bird Automata Kit by Cecilia Schiller
Created by our one and own instructor Cecilia Schiller comes a magical build your own kit! Goofy Bird features a winged bird that flaps it's wings as it cranks it's way into your heart- moving by means of a series of interlocking gears. The kit is laser-cut from high quality Baltic Birch Plywood and designed for a friction fit – pieces fit and hold together with pressure from your fingers or soft taps from a hammer. Completely manufactured in the USA. The kit is appropriate for ages 10+ (younger folks may need guidance from a helpful adult).
Your Cranky Heart Automata kit looks great with its natural wood finish. But if you love color, you can add it with paints or markers. Paint markers are easiest and don’t leave buildup that can interfere with the moving parts. Try Arteza Real Brush Pens. You can also use acrylic or watercolor paints.
Cecilia teaches Automata at North House Folk School. Look for her courses online at